Cultural experiences


Visual and musical experience · US Tour

The Lafayette Tour

In collaboration with the Orchestre national Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, we have created a unique experience combining music and video.

To celebrate the bicentenary of the Marquis de Lafayette's American tour, the Orchestra wanted to pay tribute to its local hero by organizing a major tour of the United States.

To enhance this event, we added to the magnificent musical program - imagined and performed by the Orchestra under the direction of Thomas Zehetmair - a 20-minute film following the journey of this emblematic figure in Franco-American history.


· Script

· Scenography

· Art direction

· Animation

· Direction

· Music and voiceover

· Communication

· On-site broadcast


Client: Orchestre national Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Script: Stéphane Prince avec les conseils avisés de Sabine Renault Sablonière et Laurent Zecchini
Mix & sound design: Delacroix Studio
AV technician: Mathieu Constantien
A special thank to Nicolas Nancel

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